Monday, November 29, 2010

Sneak Peek : New Website

Afbeelding 21-pola

So little post updates this month, caus there are so many things happening. Busy busy... Well, you know about the changes Banora is going through and therefore I decided to design a new website to make it more clear to you what Banoras activities are (marketing & photography). I hope to launch the new website in December, but since that is within two days, I don't think I will be able to make it. The least I can do is showing you a sneak peek of the new website.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Big News

This morning I announced on Twitter that it was a big day for Banora. Well, I registered Banora this morning as a real company in the commercial register. This means that I officially have my own company (and that I have to pay taxes :( ). Superhappy!

What is changing? 
Now the core activity of Banora is photography. This will change into marketing consultancy since this is my major background. The target groups of my marketing consultancy services are SME's, small and medium-sized enterprises, and one-man businesses who don't have large marketing budgets but who do have the ambition to grow. I offer these companies services in market research, company analysis and strategic planning. Beside these marketing activities Banora offers communication services to companies. For example developing and/or implementing a social media strategy and some small design services are offered.

Banora will still make photoshoots for individuals and I will still keep you posted about my photo adventures via this blog, Twitter and Facebook.

You can always contact me if you have any questions or other requirements! But more about all these changes will follow on my website,

I really would have loved to pop some champagne for this news, but I have to start working on my first assignment haha.

Have a great day!



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Banora Loves Mr Kortajarena

I have all kinds of inspiration notebooks. I have them about traveling, cooking and ofcourse the biggest ones are about fashion. Here I'm adding new inspiration items to my fashion book and look who's there on top.... My favorite male model, the hottest man of the moment: Jon Kortajarena. It was love at first sight when I saw him in the H&M fall/winter campaign of 2009. Too bad that it only was a onedimensional meeting.

Enjoy his pictures below ;)





Sunday, November 7, 2010

First beauty shot

Trying to get a nice 'beauty shot' of my sis was very difficult. Beauty photography certainly is a serious craft and it is not something that suits me. Anyhow, I think it is a beautiful picture of my sis, but not a real beauty picture.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Oh my god! Do you recognize the picture above? ... I was shopping at the Supertrash website and I saw this image of a model wearing the same mask I used for the shoot with my sister Kirsten. I get a lot of inspiration from editorials in Vogue, Elle,... and yes I do often copy things from those magazines. But the mask was something I bumped into in a silly shop immediately thinking it was nice to use in a shoot. How funny is that! 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Best of October

Hello November! This new month means a new item on my blog. I will post every month a top 3 of posts from that month based on the number of views. 

The most popular posts of October:
1. Jenna - photoshoot by Banora
2. Become a fan on Facebook!
3. Backstage video of photoshoot Control Freq 

Because I haven't done this for the month September hereby also a top 3 with the most viewed posts of September:
1. Behind the scenes of House Your Socks Off shoot
2. Backstage @ Portfolio shoot w/ Jenna
3. Behind the scenes @ Kissie's friends shoot